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About Nu You

Our journey to create the Nu You Kidney Recovery Support Foundation started, and remains, a personal one.  Nu You Founder LaShawn Taylor experienced kidney failure and was in need of a kidney transplant.  Her book, "Are You Kidney Me? I had a transplant.. They didn't tell me all this!", chronicles her experiences both pre and post kidney transplant surgery.  However, it was after transplant surgery that LaShawn realized how few resources existed for individuals recuperating from the procedure.  LaShawn began to talk to other kidney transplant patients across the United States and discovered that, they too, had been frustrated from the lack of resources  provided for post transplant wellness and care.  LaShawn created the Nu You Kidney to provide compassionate care, guidance, and resources to individuals recovering from kidney-related health challenges.

Mission Statement

To provide compassionate care, guidance, and resources to individuals recovering from kidney-related health challenges. We aim to empower patients and their families by offering educational support, fostering community connections, and promoting overall well-being throughout their recovery journey.

Vision Statement

At Nu You Kidney Recovery Support Foundation, our vision is to be the leading catalyst for post-kidney transplant recovery, empowering individuals to embrace a renewed sense of vitality and live life to its fullest potential. We envision a world where every kidney transplant recipient has access to comprehensive support, resources, and a vibrant community that inspires and uplifts them on their journey to sustained well-being.

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